Intro to Encounter Coaching
A Low-Investment Course To Experience MetaFormation's Training
4 weeks (live workshop)
Time Commitment
1 hour per week
One time payment of $95
What you will experience:
Get introduced to the fundamentals of our Encounter Coaching trainings
- Pray the deep things of your heart from a place of faith
- The distinction between the business and relationship of prayer in hearing the voice of Jesus
- The different levels of the heart
- How quickly God can speak directly and intimately with you
Discover how to dialogue with Jesus on the level of your God-given desires
Get in touch with the things you long for the most, like significance, belonging and approval. Best of all, experience encountering Jesus as he meets your desires. Walk away from every session with a sense of increased intimacy with God.
Live sessions with a mentor Encounter Coach
Watch videos of leadership coach Tony Stoltzfus teach and model the concepts and interact with a small group of fellow course participants. Use worksheets to take action steps towards asking Jesus more questions.
Get Your Deepest Desires Met by Hearing the Voice of God
Through these live interactive sessions, you will activate and elevate your ability to talk with Jesus from a heart level. When your conversations with God shift from the business to the relationship, you will experience the delight and ease of hearing His voice.
Course Content
- The pathway to hearing God (watch and learn)
- Meditate and practice yourself!
- A method to get prayers answered that fills your heart
- Unpack the five key ingredients of desire prayers and learn how to incorporate them into your life
- Be introduced to what we call The Heart Model
- Understand how the different levels of your heart works and immediately improve your sense of peace
- Learn a core tool of the Encounter Coach’s toolkit
- Discover how we invite Jesus to fill a person’s heart desire
"I am always amazed at the depth and scope of how much is unlocked when we hear God's voice. I am involved in other forms of ministry, but I think this material is foundational."
Ron Horst | Anglican Priest