Our Core Values

Our core training values form an acronym: C-H-A-N-G-E-D

Coaching Approach

Coaching is our core methodology for working with personal transformation.

“Coaching is the best way we’ve found to work with a leader’s heart.”

  • Believing in people

  • Ask, don’t tell

  • God moves when I am listening


Heaven is our goal, our measuring rod, our joy, and our destiny.

“If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.”

  • Heaven’s perspective gives the circumstances of my life story meaning

  • Heaven makes all things well

  • My destiny is in heaven, not on earth


Authentic relationship is both a prerequisite and a byproduct of living from the heart.

“The New Testament was written by authentic leaders for an authentic community.”

  • With God, with others, in my circumstances

  • Relationship is the context for transformation.

  • Open about my brokenness and my glory

New Testament Leadership Model

We lead from the heart as modeled in the New Testament.

“Leaders whose desires are connected to Jesus will naturally function as empowering servant leaders.”

  • Team leadership

  • Women in leadership

  • Relational influence vs. authority-based leadership

  • Empowerment and stewarding people’s destinies

  • Building the larger kingdom vs. our own sphere of influence

God Initiates Change

Heart change results from our response to God’s activity, not our own willpower.

“God is the change agent, not us.”

  • Change as a process vs. a choice

  • Leaning in vs. taking over


The heart changes through experience; and our key experience is encounters with Jesus.

“Without encounter the heart lies dead.”

  • We focus on the emotional brain, because that’s where the problem lies

  • Rhema (the experiential word) changes the heart, Logos renews the mind

  • Letting Jesus do all the ministry


Desire fulfilled in relationship with God is the key to living the Christian life.

“Jesus’ way of change is the way of desire.”

  • Desire is the source of human behavior

  • God’s way of change is from the inside out, through filled desire

  • We were made for desire fulfilled

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