Intro To Encounter Coaching
A Low-Investment Course To Experience MetaFormation’s Training
Course Type
Live Workshop
4 Weeks
Time Commitment
1 hr per week
Get Your Deepest Desires Met By Hearing The Voice of God
Through these live interactive sessions, you will activate and elevate your ability to talk with Jesus from a heart level. When your conversations with God shift from the business to the relationship, you will experience the delight and ease of hearing His voice.
What You Will Learn:
- Praying the deep things of your heart from a place of faith
- The distinction between the business and relationship of prayer
- The different levels of the heart
- How quickly God can speak directly and intimately with you
Get in touch with the things you long for the most–like significance, belonging and approval. Best of all, experience encountering Jesus as he meets your desires. Walk away from every session with a sense of increased intimacy with God.
Course Content
The pathway to hearing God.
A method for getting prayers answered that fills your heart.
Understand how your heart works and improve your sense of peace.
Learn a core tool of the Encounter Coach’s toolkit.
What people are saying
I have been feeling distant from Him, and guilty, too, because I know His heart is wide open to me, and He is so present. I realized during the course that there are some deep questions I needed to ask Him, and I hadn't seen that I had been avoiding Him to avoid the pain of opening my heart to the topic. Jesus held me as He patiently waited, with no pressure, for me to trust Him with it. I still haven't asked the question, but I know what it is I need to ask now, and the pressure and guilt are gone because I encountered Him in my brokenness. Again.
Margaret Carlton